Market Overview

Player market

To build a sustainable game world with Blockchain elements, My Meta Farm blockchain wants to create something interesting, we don't focus too much on the financial incentives that the games generate income with. My Meta Farm aims to bring a unique experience to all players, whether they are familiar with blockchain technology or come from the traditional game market.

Target audience

My Meta Farm’s business developers have made an analysis of the target market based on various successful blockchain and traditional games such as Animal Crossing, The Sandbox, and Minecraft. Game developers researched the pioneers and leaders of the gaming market to classify the players’ interest in particular categories. From that, we have identified 8 motivations that cover most game genres. They are a jumping-off point to help guide the development of the motivations that best fit gamers in My Meta Farm. The game makers have decided to embrace them and strive to bring those great experiences to the players.

The 8 characteristics are:

Self-expression: Players who enjoy opportunities to express creativity and identity.

Social connection: Players who want to connect and bond with old and/or new friends.

Progression: Players who take pride in building, managing, and improving things.

Expertise: Players who want to develop an ability to do something exceptionally well. Discovery: Players who love to learn and discover new things.

Power: Players who want the power that they don’t have in real life.

Escapism: Players who seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities.

Relaxation: Players who want to pass time, be entertained, relax or calm down.

Why metaverse in this period?

Among the various technologies powering the metaverse, blockchain plays a crucial role. From providing a decentralized infrastructure to the metaverse to supporting the development of powerful use cases for its ecosystem, Blockchain technology has the potential to make metaverse projects compatible with Web3, which is the next phase of the internet. For that reason, My Meta Farm will emphasize blockchain technology more and deeply examine it.

As envisioned by top tech futurists, many new technologies will empower the metaverse in the future, which will support the development of a range of prolific use cases that will improve the ability of the metaverse towards offering real-life functionalities. In a nutshell, the metaverse is expected to bring extreme opportunities to enterprises and common users. Hence, it will shape the digital future.

My Meta Farm believes that “Metaverse” is a brand-new term that isn’t discovered by a big audience, such as traditional game users. And that’s why our main mission is to arrange the way users can easily approach it. The game offers players way more possibilities than in the original open-world games. In our Metaverse, users end up in the virtual world where players can interact, communicate and purchase through avatars and digital media.


To summarize all factors above, My Meta Farm found the undiscovered opportunities in combination genres and elements to satisfy users' needs. The unlimited creativity and imagination, the necessity to personalize and security assets, in the mix of the socialization aspects, create the My Meta Farm as it is.

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